
  • [普通] 送货上门

    SENTISPORTS | 2020-03-27 | 点击数 236

    • 送货上门
      -船务费国际航运费会视乎船务公司收费而定。 (包括箱子重量)
      -注意(低空可以晚一点到达) 既然如此,我们正寻求您的谅解。)顾客没有营业时间就点菜了。


      - Shipping FeeInternational shipping fee will vary depending on the shipping company rate basis. (including box weight)
      - Delivery DateNormally, it takes about 5~10 business days from your order Product Availability countries, commodity shipping, inventory clearance, etc., depending on the circumstances may vary.
      Starts when the goods shipped, the purchaser, e-mail or My Page> Order Details page can check the shipping information.
      - Attention (Below can be arrived a little late on the day. With that in mind, we are seeking your understanding)Customer did order without business hours.
      Our temporary holiday, New Year, summer holidays.
      Shipping congestion, inclement weather conditions and etc.
      Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays for the ordered goods will be shipped the next business day.